Friends of Mental Health
The Putnam County Friends of Mental Health (FOMH) is a not-for-profit organization that includes a group of volunteers from the county who promote citizen’s interest in mental health and who are actively involved in helping individuals with behavioral health concerns, including alcohol or other drug dependency.
Mission Statement
Enriching lives by advocating for the effective prevention, treatment and support of all those affected by behavioral health issues; focusing on awareness of available resources to improve quality of life; and expanding the knowledge of the general public regarding the impacts of mental illness & substance use in our communities.
“Enriching lives by advocating for effective prevention, treatment and support”
The purpose of the Friends of Mental Health is:
- To improve attitudes toward mental illness and other behavioral health issues.
- To improve services for the individuals with behavioral health needs.
- To work for the prevention of mental illness and promote healthy resources.
- To work cooperatively with Pathways Counseling Center and other behavioral health agencies.
The Friends of Mental Health supports the mission of the Mental Health, Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Board of Putnam County and works in partnerships with providers, social service organizations, the community and families to provide necessary behavioral health care services.The residents of Putnam County believe in, and promote, strong family ties. We believe our future is dependent upon the well-being of our families. As these needs are effectively met, individuals and families will develop to their fullest potential, and the community will build on the renewed strengths of its residents.We invite individuals and other stakeholders from Putnam County to be a part of this organization which meets biannually. It’s important that community members make the decisions to help address the needs of our local residents and ensure they have a network of care that makes a positive difference in their lives.